foo_bar.present? ? puts "foo" : puts "bar"Beyond just exposing new syntax, this project has also turned up plenty of new gems to add to the toolbox. A few of my favorites:
- friendly_id - take out the ugly Rails routes that include ids and instead use the blog posts' titles, for example
- carrierwave - easy file uploads
- rmagick - resize images
- feedzirra - pull in a RSS feed and parse the data into blog titles, url, blog author, blog content, etc.
- sanitize/htmlentities - strip out any html or harmful content
Working on this project, I've found that I continue to come across stuff in the code that puts me back in the Gemfile and researching the various gems. Which got me thinking - why can't I upload a Gemfile that then spits out a nicely organized list of the gems, a short summary of the gem, their github repos, their ruby gems page, and any railscasts tutorials that exist?
Easy for you to say!