Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Inspiring Calendar

I have a travel agency calendar on my desk at work and each month usually offers me 4-5 nice travel pictures related to a certain theme. Cultural safaris, ocean cruises, beach adventures. The usual trips you might have in mind when thinking about what a travel agency can offer. So, you can imagine my disappointment when I flipped the calendar to May, a Spring month I normally associate with upbeat feelings of better days ahead, and found that the pictures I'd be greeted with every morning for the next 31 days were themed around "medical travel" and had a particularly depressing shot in the upper left corner.

May can't end soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. I like the shot in the lower right, too. What nice scenery the man in the wheelchair gets to see on his stroll. Catching up on these posts, I got behind after I moved!
